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1. Cartier-Bresson was doing art in Cambridge University. Then he hunted antelope and boar but eventually grew tired of the sport. He was in Africa when photography grew his interest. 

2. Cartier-Bresson's approach would remain much the same, he made clear his disdain for the augmented image one that had been enhanced by artifical light, dark room effects, even cropping. 

3. Cartier-Bresson founded the agency of Magnum. With the help of Robert Capa, George Rodger, David 'Chim' Seymour and William Vandivert.

4. On his 3 year trip to Asia he met Mahatma Gandhi, shortly before his assassination. He returned to France in 1952 where he published his first book. 

5. He escaped after 3 tries and for good and returned to photography right away. 

1. Photojournalism - the art of practice of communicating news by photographs, mainly in magazines.

2. Odyssey - any epic journey. 

3. Dabble - immerse partially in water and move them around gently.

4. Frugal - sparing or economical with regards to money or food.

5.Immerse - dip or submerge in a liquid

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